What is the average price range for Bali real estate for sale?


Bali, the Indonesian island renowned for its natural beauty and enchanting culture, has become a sought-after destination for individuals looking to invest in real estate. The island's booming property market raises the question: What is the average price range for Bali real estate for sale? In this article, we will explore the average prices and factors influencing the cost of real estate across various areas of Bali.

Understanding Bali's Diverse Real Estate Market:

Bali offers a wide range of real estate options, each varying in price based on location, property type, and level of luxury. The island presents opportunities for affordable properties, moderately priced options, and exclusive high-end investments.

1. Affordable Properties:

For those with a limited budget, Bali offers several towns and villages with more affordable real estate options. Prices for traditional houses, simple apartments, or vacant land typically start at around $50,000 to $100,000. These areas often provide a quiet and authentic Balinese experience, while still being accessible to popular tourist spots.

2. Moderate Price Range:

Bali's popular tourist areas, such as Seminyak, Ubud, and Canggu, attract visitors with their vibrant lifestyle, trendy cafes, and stunning beaches. Real estate prices in these locations are higher than in smaller towns, with the average starting price for a one-bedroom villa around $150,000. Larger luxury properties in these areas can range from several hundred thousand dollars to several million, offering a comfortable and stylish living experience.

3. Exclusive High-End Investments:

For investors seeking luxurious and exclusive properties, Bali showcases high-end real estate options. Areas such as Nusa Dua and Uluwatu boast cliff-front villas and breathtaking ocean views. Prices for these premium properties can range from $1 million to $15 million and above. The expansive lands, private pools, lavish interiors, and top-notch amenities make these properties a symbol of ultimate luxury.

Factors Influencing Bali Real Estate Prices:

Various factors contribute to the fluctuation in Bali's real estate prices. Exchange rates, government regulations, market conditions, and infrastructure developments all play a significant role. It is essential to keep these factors in mind while assessing the average price range for real estate in Bali.


The average price range for Bali real estate covers a wide spectrum, from affordable properties in smaller towns to exclusive and luxurious villas in popular tourist areas. The diverse market offers something to suit different budgets and preferences. It is advisable to conduct thorough research, seek professional guidance, and visit properties in person to make an informed decision. With its breathtaking beauty, unique culture, and a thriving tourism industry, investing in Bali real estate not only provides a potential financial return but also the opportunity to enjoy the island's enchanting lifestyle.